Yellow Rack™ strength
How strong is the Yellow Rack?
The Yellow Rack is made from a nylon polymer that is strong and durable. Our strength video shows just how tough this material is! The flexibility of the nylon is an added feature that allows the rack, despite its strength, to "give" if there is an accidental hit by a fork lift or freight. Any equipment can get damaged or broken--load bars, straps, pallet jacks, fork lifts and even trailers themselves--so proper care and placement of the Yellow Rack is always important, but the rubberized nylon gives cargo handlers and fork lift drivers an edge in the event of an accidental collision.
What's more, the Yellow Rack is improved! We embedded steel in the back of the Rack to give it even more strength, support and protection for your equipment! The Yellow Rack is the answer to protecting your other cargo securement tools, avoiding loose equipment violations, and streamlining shipping operations.
Read more Frequently Asked Questions about the Yellow Rack.